Give Thanks For Colbert, Superman, Batman

November 26, 2009 Morphizm 0

Stephen Colbert’s nightly merge of news, hilarity, social commentary, wit and shameless plugs for everything from his painting in the Smithsonian to his marketable man-seed have fully turned the pop-culture’s self-obsessed mirror upon itself.

Superman + Batman = Public Enemies

October 8, 2009 Morphizm 0

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies packs more heroes, action and political satire into a couple hours of entertainment than either icon’s animated series did in the course of several seasons.

Motion Comic Or Illustrated Film?

October 7, 2009 Morphizm 0

Comics are coming to life these days, on screens big and small. They’re pwning box offices in Hollywood and Flash-animated versions are ruling downloads in iTunes. So what to call […]

Gimme Some (Superman) Truth

June 16, 2009 Morphizm 0

Ruled as a suicide, Reeves’ death inspires a series of conspiracy theories and the interpretive biopic Hollywoodland, as well as a persistent urban legend, itself famously known as the Superman curse.

Watchmen Tunes Merge Comic, Cash

March 10, 2009 Morphizm 0

The slightly good news is that some of the music that made it into the film, but not the comic, didn’t make it to the soundtrack. The bad news? Some lousy songs made both the film and the soundtrack, but never made the comic at all.